Experiments by Margret Böhm
Experiments done by Margret Böhm (head of microbiology): Petridish (diameter 6.5 cm) with a BZ solution (height approximately 0.5 mm) and a stopwatch at different times next to it.
BZ recipe and notes from Margret Böhm in German and English based on Art Winfree's stay at the MPI in Dortmund with either ferroin or a combination of ferroin and MnSO4.
They created the 'perfect Archimedian spiral' using the recipe published in the 1985 Science article: 48 mM NaBr, 340 mM NaBrO3, 95 mM MA, 378 mM H2SO4 in 5 mL; then adding 3.5 mM ferroin.