Historical footages


Never Say Never

The movie about the history of the BZ reaction was televised on Moscow State Television. Art Winfree and John Tyson were invited to the 1983 Pushchino conference, where they saw the Russian version of the documentary, which was translated on the fly by one of their hosts. They asked if they could have a copy. Some months later they received videotapes of the documentary. John Pojman digitized the VHS tape later (on Youtube).


В поисках единства (In search of unity)

The movie is a documentary created by ЛенНаучФильм (LenNauchfilm) for the Institute of Biophysics in Pushchino, Soviet Union in 1985. It was uploaded by Bakhti and Olga Vassiev.

Among other things, it shows (links go directly to Youtube)

  • Konstantin Agladze demonstrating BZ waves at 14:04
  • Olga Vassiev with a Dictyostelium experiment at 16:05
  • Sonya Beilina with Physarum at 17:48
  • ?? and ?? at 19:55
  • ??; at 21:10


Ausstellung Computergraphik 1987 (Laufzeit: 0:30 min)

Kurzbericht des Süddeutschen Rundfunks über die Ausstellung des Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds mit den Bildern aus dem MPI für Ernährungsphysiologie.

Short 30-second documentary about the exhibition of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds in Stuttgart with the pictures of the MPI für Ernährungsphysiologie. 


Formbildende Dynamik (Laufzeit: 9:02 min)

Bericht des bayrischen Rundfunks zur Ausstellung des MPI für Ernährungsphysiologie aus Dortmund in der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der LMU in München Nußbaumstrasse.

Documentary by the Bavarian TV Station about the exhibition Aesthetics in the Sciences in Munich. 


Die Wissenschafts-Show: Leben im Takt 

mit Jean Pütz und Ranga Yogeschwar in West 3 (Laufzeit: 45 min). Am Ende der Sendung ist dieser Ausschnitt (5:27 min) über BZ-Reaktionen mit Benno Hess.

This is a short section (5:27 min) a scientific program about time (with the famous - in Germany - Jean Pütz and Rangar Yogeshwar) broadcasted by the German TV station WDR 3 in June 1989.


A video with Stefan C. Müller explaining the temporal and spatio-temporal Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. 


Short part of a presentation by Anatol Zhabotinsky at the 40th Okazaki Conference held at AIST, Tsukubain Okazaki, Japan on 23 January 1991(Courtesy and copyright by Tomohiko Yamaguchi).


Spirals in Excitable Media
The dynamics of the tip in the Oregonator model of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

Simulation of spiral tip motion as a collaborative effort between the MPI Dortmund and Art Winfree.

The final result has been published as Theo Plesser and Karl-Heiz Müller, Fourier analysis of the complex motion of sprial tips in excitable media, Int. J. Bifurcation Chaos, 5(4) (1995) 1071-1084.


Bilder die sich selber malen
Strukturbildung in dissipativen biologischen und chemischen Systemen

A video from the 'Unifernsehen am AVMZ' (Audiovisuelles Medienzentrum) about the Biophysics group at the University of Magdeburg about Selforganization with Stefan C. Müller.

Lecture by Simon Shnoll

"About heterogeneity of space (о неоднородноcти пространства)",

with some references to B. Belousov and A. Zhabotinsky

Lecture by Simon Shnoll

"The history of the discovery of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction"

("История открытия Реакции Белоусова-Жаботинского")

Dem Leben auf der Spur (Laufzeit: 6:49 mim)

Aufnahmen aus dem Labor von S. C. Müller; BZ-Reaktion im Experiment; Grafische Datenanalyse
Personen: Stefan C. Müller, Theo Plesser, Benno Hess, Laborant Uwe Heidecke
Reporterin: Hilda Gantke

Documentary by Hilda Gantke with scenes from Stefan Müller's lab, BZ-experiments and data analysis. Featured in the video are Stefan C. Müller, Theo Plesser, Benno Hess, Uwe Heidecke.