Moving Forward
Learn more about the organizations interviewed in Wayne County. At this time, this page specifies goals of organizations for the future and contact information.
NAACP: The goals of the NAACP Wooster Orrville branch include maintaining the increased membership and encouraging and expanding youth involvement.
Prism: The goals of Prism include maintaining connections with other local organizations, education within the community, education in the larger Wooster Community, and raising awareness of meetings within the LGBT+ community. They meet the first Wednesday of every month. To stay updated on meetings and community events, visit their facebook page at:
People to People Ministries: People to People is open to volunteers at any time. Donations of feminine hygiene and also regular hygiene products, such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, etc. are always needed.
United Way: United Way is alaways seeking resources to help college students afford books and supplies.
OneEighty: OneEighty provides many services within the community related to Women's, domestic, and sexual assault issues. To learn about events and activities hosted by OneEighty, visit their facebook page.
Community Breakfast Program: The Community Breakfast Program is held at the UCC Trinity Church. Students from Wooster serve breakfast and interact wiht the communiyt. They are always looking for more participation and attendance. The breakfast program is open to all memebrs of the community.