Vail's Letter Regarding Beecher's Acceptance
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Sara Smith, Transcriber
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Line 1 Dr B Please to say nothing [unclear], & nothing in private
Line 2 about Dr. B’s acceptance except that he will probably come
Line 3 while you have his formal answer.
Line 4 Bridgeport 21st June 1832
Line 5 Dear Brethrens,
Line 6 You will be happy to
Line 7 learn, after waiting with much anxiety
Line 8 that the great question of Dr B’s remo-
Line 9 - val to the west is ^ at length decided in the affir-
Line 10 - mative. On my arrival in Boston
Line 11 I found [new] & great difficulties in
Line 12 the way of the Dr s removal. Their seemed
Line 13 to be a special reason for Dr B’s remain
Line 14 - ing in Boston on account of the ^ its present pecul-
Line 15 - iar distribution of ministers. for For 8 chur-
Line 16 - ches [but] they have but 2 or 3 Ministers.
Line 17 Mr Green & Dr [unclear] are both sick & absent.
Line 18 There seemed to be a great prospect of a
Line 19 general theological controversy in N.E.
Line 20 & Dr B’s presence seemed indispensible to
Line 21 act as pacification. Dr B’s influence & useful –
Line 22 - ness was greatly increasing & especially
Line 23 among unitarians. I found the Dr not
Line 24 a little at a loss on the subject of duty, & his
Line 25 people using their people influence as to retain
Line 26 him. On Thursday last evening last Dr B by
Line 27 previous notice presented before his people
Line 28 the reasons for and against going to the west.
Line 29 The argument was [written] out in [June] ^ of an
Line 30 hours length – most lucid, powerful & I think
Line 31 & [reading] others thought, most conclusive.
Line 32 The Dr declared it as his conviction to be in
Line 33 favour of the west. He then wished to
Line 34 have an advisory committee selected
(Vertically written on Lane_104)
Send [unclear] to Dr. B in [unclear] Boston & to me in N.Y. the pamphlet against Dr. [?]
Line 1 by himself his people, & myself. We met in
Line 2 committee Friday [unclear] afternoon at 3 Oclock,
Line 3 & continued with an hours recess till 11
Line 4 Oclock. The discussion was full, affectionate
Line 5 & [unclear] favourable in its results. The decided
Line 6 majority – all except 4 – thought the Dr B
Line 7 ought to go. H He has now come to the
Line 8 full conclusion to go, & intends to give
Line 9 his decision to his people next Sabbath & to
Line 10 join without delay to join the 3d Pres. Of N.Y.
Line 11 with a view to give us a formal answer.
Line 12 It is now Dr B’s intention to be dismissed soon &
Line 13 spend the summer in making special prepa
Line 14 - ration to commence his work in our
Line 15 SEM Seminary; & will probably leave here
Line 16 by the middle of Sept. No [very] definite
Line 17 movements have been made, except by
Line 18 [unclear] of & consultation respecting a
Line 19 Profr of Biblical Literature. Professor
Line 20 Stowe by common consent & by our
Line 21 best advisors thus far seems to be the
Line 22 most promising candidate. Dr B thinks
Line 23 highly of him. I shall consult the wishes
Line 24 of the founders of this Professorship in NY
Line 25 in reference to [there] choice of a Prof,
Line 26 & will in a few short time write to
Line 27 you again on this subject.
Line 28 I have not yet made any definite ar-
Line 29 - rangement about getting money
Line 30 but hope now to ^ be able to do so in a few days
Line 31 as we have secured Dr B, & look like
Line 32 going ahead under the most favourable
Line 33 auspices. In reference to the appoint-
Line 34 - ment of Dr [Slack] to the Professorship
Line 35 of Mathematics I feel the deepest interest.
Line 1 I feel very reluctant to discuss [unclear] the
Line 2 opinion of some members of the Board [unclear]
Line 3 & others, who think, ^ as I have recently learned,
Line 4 ^ that Dr [S] will be the right man for us. I did
Line 5 not express the [reasons] of my opinion in a
Line 6 former letter because I [unclear]. I did not
Line 7 differ from other members of the board on
Line 8 the Subject, but as I learn from Bro. Blanchard
Line 9 that this matter is under serious consideration
Line 10 I will ^ give one or two reasons for my [unclear]
Line 11 opinion relying principally upon the opin
Line 12 opinion ^ of others who think with me.
Line 13 I have conversed fully with Dr. Beecher, Br East-
Line 14 - man (Revd [unclear] of Boston, who was a
Line 15 pupil of his in Cincinnati) & several others
Line 16 some other gentlemen who are all decided
Line 17 - ly of opinion that he is not the man, & that
Line 18 [?] the department can never rise under him
Line 19 These sentiments have been expressed as ones
Line 20 without any opinion of [mine] . Br Eastman
Line 21 who knows ^ him as well & respects him as highly
Line 22 any of us, wished me to say to you that [he]
Line 23 believed that it the Institution would be
Line 24 decidedly better off to pay the Dr. a Salary to
Line 25 stay at home ^ rather than to teach. You ^ now ask the
Line 26 reasons for such opinions. In a word they are
Line 27 these. Dr S. though as pious & inteligent man
Line 28 was has always I believe ^ been rather an unpopular
Line 29 & unsuccessful Teacher. A man not apt to teach
Line 30 either in the pulpit nor out of it. [unclear] [unclear]
Line 31 uninteresting, teadious, [nor] lucid & clear in his
Line 32 own conceptions, & less lucid in illustrating truth
Line 33 to others having little inspiration himself
Line 34 & able to infuse but little into the minds of
Line 35 students. Dr [Slack] was an Instructor in Princeton,
Line 36 in Cin. Pres of College [at] & in the medical college. I have
Line 37 never heard that he was considered deficient in lear
Line 38 - ning, but often ^ that he was not an engaging, interesting
Line 39 popular, Teacher among young men generally.
Line 40 I could mention many specific facts [unclear] on these
Line 41 subjects if it were needful. The 2 colleges ^ of law - you will
Line 42 know [never] [unclear] flourished, but [unclear] him. I have
Line 43 no Idea that the Dr [unclear] can contribute to raise our Insti
Line 44 - tution half as much if at all, as would be done by a
Line 45 young, vigorous, inteligent, & [unclear] soul inspiring, young
Line 46 man of [genius], & popular deportment & who would
Line 47 at the same time he an acceptible preacher. Will Dr
Line 48 S. in Cin. or the surrounding country by his preaching
Line 1 or by personal intercourse be likely to reccommend
Line 2 our Seminary to the public, ? Will he be a very popu
Line 3 - lar Instructor, & a favorite among young men? I need
Line 4 not answer these questions. Every Teacher should have
Line 5 his family on the ground. Would this be less in this case?
Line 6 The Dr would need 800 Dollars , or more. A young man,
Line 7 could do with 500. Or 600. And why [unclear] should we take
Line 8 this undesirable course? Have we not just had experience
Line 9 in [reference] to an unacceptable instructor? Must we [adopt]
Line 10 the principle of taking an unsuitable man because, he has
Line 11 a good christian character, has learning, appli asks an appoint
Line 12 I [unclear], may feel [mortified] & unpleasant if he is refused.
Line 13 goes with us in new school [unclear], & may fly off unless
Line 14 appointed? I hope not brethren. And if this is [still] [thought]
Line 15 I beseech you to wait till I can send you opinions & facts from
(Vertical Writing, Center)
FY Vail
June 21 1832
Revd Amos Blanchard &
Revd Asa Mahan
Biggs 1
Beecher 2
Graham 3
Bullard 4
(Vertical Writing, Right Side)
Please to write me soon in NY informing me fully
of state of the Seminary, progress of buildings [unclear]
of [street and 5 & 6] & all [unclear] 6th church
Line 16 Princeton. [unclear] I believe the Board will do what they
Line 17 think best in this matter, but I do hope if they have any
Line 18 regard to the wishes of Dr B. & other gentlemen menti –
Line 19 oned, they will hesitate on this at least till we can
Line 20 have more conversation on this subject.
Line 21 I have several young [men] good Mathematician
Line 22 in my eye, only [one] of [whom] I will now mention
Line 23 Revd [unclear] of Rising Sun is reccommended and a first
Line 24 rate Instructor. Has been for years a most popular
Line 25 & successful instructor & can probably be obta
Line 26 this fall if not before. He is a good preacher &
Line 27 a man of [genius], superior talents & attainments.
Line 28 Perhaps you had better write to him. May the
Line 29 Lord direct you in all your doings. I hope all
Line 30 buildings will go on with energy & the way be open
Line 31 for our successful operations this fall. Yours in Christian love
Line 32 FY Vail